
Some of the same cannabinoids that provide relief to humans also appear to help our pet friends. CBD products for pets are available in a range of topicals, oils, edibles, and tinctures tuned for cats and dogs. For furry consumers, these pet cbd products tend to emphasize CBD more than THC.

What are Pet CBD Products?

CBD pet products are dietary supplements and topical ointments that contain the phytochemical called cannabidiol. CBD pet products are used for their medicinal properties as some of the same cannabinoids that provide relief to humans also appear to help our pet friends. Some pet owners have seen positive results after using pet CBD products, and pet CBD may help in alleviating symptoms of a range of canine and feline ailments including seizures, arthritis, anxiety, and chronic pain.

Pet CBD products such as CBD dog treats and cat CBD treats have become more popular in recent years as cannabis becomes increasingly legal throughout the US. Just like in humans, your furry best friends have endocannabinoid systems that are able to process the chemical compounds present in CBD (a cannabinoid).

Hemp-derived CBD pet products are the safest choice for your cat or dog. Hemp-derived CBD products have an extremely low THC content, and are therefore not intoxicating (they will not get your pet high). Pet CBD is typically offered at dispensaries in a range of product types, such as tinctures, CBD treats, and capsules. These CBD products have been specifically formulated to be safe for pet use. Ensure that all pet CBD products in your home are high-quality and certified for use in pets to keep your cat or dog safe!

Here at, all of our Pet CBD Products are certified and tested. For example, one leading brand My Best Bud offers a variety of different pet CBD tinctures that have been specially formulated for pet receptors by veterinarians.

How to Use Pet CBD Products

For safety, be sure to always follow the official dosing instructions on the product packaging, and start with a small dose and closely monitor your pet's reaction to understand its effect and what kind of dose might be appropriate.

What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol it is one of hundreds of components found in marijuana. CBD makes up about 40% of the hemp plant’s extract and on its own will not cause anyone to get high. It is used for its medicinal properties and is made into herbal dietary supplements in forms such as oils, extracts, capsules, patches, vapes, and topical preparations for use on skin. As such, there are several pet cbd options available for your fur baby and whatever may ail them.